
Thank you for your interest in our services! Upon completing your application, our secure online system will generate a list of documents based on your answers. The purpose is to verify your income, assets and debt. While some loans require more documentation, pretty much all applicants should expect to provide the following:

  • Copy of driver’s license, passport, or state-issued ID
  • Recent pay stub(s) (if applicable) for 30 days (two if semi-monthly, three if biweekly, five if weekly)
  • Last two years’ W-2 forms and/or 1099 forms (if applicable)
  • Last two years’ Federal tax returns, all pages, business and personal (we don’t need state taxes)
  • Two months of bank and asset statements (all pages, even if blank)
  • Copy of mortgage statement(s) for all properties that you own
  • Copy of insurance declaration page(s) with annual premium for all properties that you own

We will also need to do a prequalification credit pull (which will not ding your credit!), for which we request an e-signature and payment credentials. We aim to be flexible; if you aren't comfortable uploading documents, you can arrange to bring them to the office or email them to us.

To get an idea of what your rates may be, go to "What's My Rate?"