Receive a “Total Cost Analysis” of the Best Loan for Your Unique Situation
Learn About Loan Options That:
- build equity the fastest.
- are easiest on monthly cash flow.
- will get you debt-free the quickest.
- have the best tax breaks.
- have the lowest total cost over the time you live in your home.
We specialize in assisting buyers in Eureka, Humboldt, Trinity, Del Norte, and Mendocino counties.
We do what we say and treat our people honestly and in their best interest.
More Opportunities:
Are You an "A Borrower"?
Credit Score 680 Plus
If you have documentable income, good credit, and equity, ask for a loan program analysis that shows how to LOWER PAYMENTS, SAVE MONEY, and EARN INCOME. For example, most people refinance after 6 years, so why buy a 30 year loan? Replace a 30 year loan at 6% with a five year loan at 3.5%, then invest the difference.
Are You a "B Borrower"?
Credit Score 564 – 620
If you were told "no" because of a stated or undocumented income, you may be able to improve your credit score AND get money.
Are You Looking for a Commercial Loan?
Even though 70% of commercial loan applications are turned down by banks, most buyers can get money through us.
Equity Loan Fall Through?
Were you counting on a line of credit through a second mortgage or home equity loan? Were you told "no" even though you have a good credit rating and a low first mortgage? Money is still available for those with 700 credit scores.